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Seth Price of Can I Say This at Church?

Oct 23, 2020


Seth Price is the host of Can I Say This at Church?, a podcast about asking the hard questions. Today, Seth shares how he came up with his name, how he gets great guests, and why he has to be interested in every single episode. Seth is an accomplished podcaster who creates space for questions and pondering. It's a great use of the podcast medium and I know you will be inspired to create the space you need, too.

Listen to Seth's podcasting story today!

Stories Seth shared:

  • How he came up with the name for his show
  • How he gets great guests
  • Guessing at email addresses for guests
  • Getting better at conversations as a result of podcasting
  • How to get people to talk more
  • Learning to follow his curiosity in interviews
  • Monetizing through Patreon
  • How to do things he's interested in
  • His goal for every episode
  • How to write a book from your podcast
  • Making change in communities with his show
  • What's next for his show

Great quotes from Seth:

I don't care if people think I'm stupid. I'm good at what I'm good at and the rest of it just doesn't matter.

I felt like I had to have follow up questions to questions.

I'm going to do it in a different way that will make everybody angry which is the only adequate way to do that.

Resources we mentioned:


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